What others say
What others say
I liked all aspects of the course – how it was simply laid out. It gives the pupils the skills needed to function in everyday life
Lewis, Teacher
In the context of a fast-paced secondary curriculum delivered in the bustle of an inner-city academy, sessions provide a rare opportunity to slow down and, through role play, dissect and explore the minutiae of social interactions in a way that is not usually possible in a normal school day […] particularly valuable as the development of ‘Theory of Mind’ is a known area of risk for deaf adolescents
Tim, Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People
I liked everything! Its great and I can’t wait to use it – the structure it’s following, what it’s going to provide our pupils. So, so much
Lisa, Teacher
This has empowered them to be assertive and take responsibility for explaining their communication needs, but on a much deeper level, I think this is helping them to construct an identity as a deaf young person, incorporating hearing loss in a positive way […] and develops a more confident sense of self for future interactions.”
Tim, Teacher of Deaf Children & Young People
This pupil has to deal with unforeseen situations or people who do not know her, she can face many additional hurdles to overcome with her dual sensory impairment. She can also experience anxiety in wondering ‘will she be understood’ and ‘will she understand the response’, and ‘will she be able to find assistance’. Practising these scenarios in a safe and supported environment, such as smiLE Therapy, has enabled her to prepare for the real world and the challenges she will overcome as an independent adult.
Sarah, Visual Impairment Teacher
"Should be introduced to all Deaf Schools and to adults in the Deaf community, e.g. my brother who’s finished FE (Further Education) and has had an implant for 12 years: learning how the structure is in an interview and how to present yourself would be great."
Communication Support Worker
"Video footage really demonstrated positive outcomes. Encouraging mutual respect amongst pupils would be invaluable here."
Teacher of the Deaf
"Fantastic idea of allowing the student to actually observe their progress using video."
Specialist Speech & Language Therapist in Deafness
"Made me think how important it is to put life skills before some curriculum lessons."
Teacher of the deaf
"Excellent presentation – really deaf aware!"
Communication Support Worker
We can use this with all ages of our students, all abilities, and with both deaf and hearing
Lauren, SLT
I loved the structure & outcome measures - really important in today’s commissioning world. So really useful to be able to demonstrate this so easily.
Andrea, SLT
It’s all about functional communication and children achieving really positive outcomes. Bridges the gap between education settings, family and the real world.
Naomi SLT
Its like watching your own children at sports day! The pride within them is amazing!
Carly, Specialist Learning Support Assistant, on completing her first module
Sometimes we share before and after therapy videos at Education, Health, Care Plan meetings to bring success tangibly to the meeting in a lively way.
Casey, SLT
"Feel there’s potential to use format of smiLE across the curriculum."
Teacher of the deaf
"Excellent day! Allows us to put a case forward for this to be timetabled for our students."
Teacher of the Deaf
"Empowering for both students and staff."
Teacher of the deaf
“Hope to use also with AAC (Alternative & Augmentative Communication) users and across our other departments – ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and SLI (Specific Language Impairment)."
Specialist Speech & Language Therapist in Deafness
"I learned how to talk confident and not panic."
14 Year old Deaf student
For me, smiLE Therapy was the best way to help build my confidence and communication skills. Watching the before and after videos, I could enlarge the image on the iPad and see the difference in my own video. Which skills had stayed, and which things improved and what the difference was in the final video – to realise what we had just learned. Practising a lot in role play made me feel more confident that I could do this in real situations.”
15 year old student, learning to have an online meeting for Work Experience
I’m just very glad I had the opportunity to attend and I will make sure this is implemented in our school
Rhiannon, Teacher
My lightbulb moment was seeing the confidence in pupils, even those with severe difficulties.
Lana, Teacher
I’m so glad we’re doing this!
15 year old student preparing for College Interviews
"Great to see video clips of real children! which served to illustrate your teaching points very well. Lots of ideas for application here at RSD."
Teacher of the deaf
"Can really relate using this approach to each student’s needs in our current cohort."
Teacher of the deaf
"Resources/assessment very practical for students/staff/assessors/feedback purposes, e.g. to parents/LEAs (Local Education Authorities)."
Senior teacher of deaf
"I liked the idea of exploring cultural norms."
Learning Support Assistant
"It’s a very good idea to encourage him to be confident and independent. I believe 100% its important to have this therapy."
Deaf parent of pupil
"I feel this approach will be so useful for all of our pupils."
SLT, Deafness
NEXT DATES in 2025
smiLE Therapy
Online Training 2025
Day1 March 6th & 7th 2025 (mornings 9-12)
Day2 March 10th&11th 2025(mornings 9-12)
Follow up from October 2024 Day1&2 training:
Day3 MAY 8th & 9th 2025 (mornings 9-12)
smiLE Therapy free 1 hour online
Tasters for 2025
University College London Taster 23.06.25
Taster Tues 20.05.25 @3pm UK time
Northants Sensory Team Taster 23.04.25
Sunderland SEND services Taster 25.03.25
Essex University Taster 25.03.25
Crowdys Hill School Taster 18.03.25
Scottish Sensory Centre Taster 27.02.25
Nrthants NHS LD Comm.Tm Taster 23.01.25
Taster Wed 22.01.25 @3pm UK time
Ormiston Queensmill Acdmy Taster 17.01.25
smiLE Therapy free 1 hour online
Tasters for Autumn 2024
Sirona Care Health, Bristol. 27.11.24
Riverside Bridge Special School 05.11.24
UEA students 17.10.24
NELFT NHS Havering 24.09.24
Taster Thursday19.09. 24 @3pm UK time
Email us: info@smiletherapytraining.com
to book training, arrange bespoke training at your workplace or to arrange a FREE Taster for your CEN / University / Education Authority / NHS Trust / School