Research, Publications & Presentations on smiLE Therapy
In press:
Schamroth, K. and Curtin, M., In press. Using smiLE Therapy to develop pragmatic skills. In Herman R. and Enns C., (eds) Communication Interventions and Deaf People, Perspectives on Deafness. Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press.
Schamroth, K. ‘Supporting students to self-advocate’. BATOD, Sept 2024
FEAPDA Conference, European Federation of Associations of Teachers of the Deaf, Dublin, April 2004. Karin Schamroth presented on: How smiLE Therapy supported a deaf and visually impaired teenager on their journey to independence and self-advocacy across seven years.
Specialist Deaf Curriculum Framework (SDCF). A BATOD and NDCS collaboration. The SDCF, launched in February 2024, has been written to support deaf babies, children, young people, and their families to develop knowledge and make informed and independent decisions about their deafness, from identification through to adulthood. It supports deaf children and young people’s independence. Suggested resources give links to smiLE Therapy for these sections:
2c Communication with Others and 4b Emotional and Mental Health
Masters Thesis Distinction in smiLE Therapy, Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik, Zürich, Switzerland. September 2023. Congratulations to Isabelle Spaeti Suard, Teacher of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Students, for her Masters Thesis: smiLE Therapy: Fünktionales Kommunikationstraining in deutscher Sprache. Durchfuhrung mit einer Gruppe von Jugendlichen mit Hor- und Kommunikationsbeeintrachtigung. Department of Special Needs Education for the DHH. University of Applied Sciences of Special Needs Education (HfH)
RCSLT (Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists) Research Champion
Training Parents: What impact does it have on children’s ability to maintain and generalise skills learnt in smiLE Therapy? (Martina Curtin and Dr. Ros Herman)
Linking Research to Practice Event, Centre For Language and Communication Science Research, School for Health and Psychological Sciences, City, University of London, 29.06.23
Sally Morgan & Karin Schamroth presented: How a service evaluation by students can help answer a question - Could I use smiLE therapy with teenagers with Down Syndrome?
​British Academy of Childhood Disability (BACD) Annual Scientific Meeting, Sheffield. Theme Learning Disabilities, 22.06.23
Sally Morgan poster presentation: Is SmiLE therapy feasible, acceptable and can support communication development for teenagers with Down Syndrome?
MSc & BSc Research Project, City University: London. Unpublished. Is smiLE Therapy feasible and effective for adolescents with Down Syndrome? : A service evaluation. 2022
E. Anning (BSc), J. Jakubowicz (BSc), A. Saxby (MSc), S. Rowlands (MSc)
Batod National Conference (British Association of Teachers of Deaf Children & Young People), London, 24.09.22. ‘Hadiqa’s teenage journey to independence, self-advocacy and well being with smiLE Therapy’. Workshop presented by Hadiqa, with Karin Schamroth, Sarah Caffrey (QVI ) and Teressa Willis (QTOD). She explained how, as a Deaf and Visually Impaired (VI) young woman, she has gained confidence to be independent in everyday interactions. smiLE Therapy modules from the age of 12 to 16 have helped her learn the skills she needed. Hadiqa explained how she recently learned to shop independently at Sainsbury’s and what this means for her confidence and positive mental health.
Schamroth K, Caffrey S, ‘Preparing for adulthood with three smiLE Therapy modules. Hadiqa’s journey as a deaf and visually impaired young woman to self-advocacy’ BATOD, Nov 2021
Redman S, presented her smiLE Therapy Projects with Children & Young People with Downs Syndrome to an online conference on late language development. Amsterdam, Sept 2021
Jackson C, ‘ ... but what about generalization?’. Casey Jackson shares details of a project using smiLE Therapy, conducted collaboratively with colleagues; Tim Meaden (QToD), Lisa Salter (Specialist Teaching Assistant) and deaf students. BATOD, Jan 2020
European conference for European Federation of Associations of Teachers of the Deaf (FEAPDA) in North Macedonia. Martina Curtin ran a one-hour workshop on smiLE Therapy for delegates on her research findings "Training parents in smiLE Therapy: What impact does it have on deaf children's abilities in maintaining and generalising their skills?" 27 & 28.09.19
National Conference for the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists, Nottingham, Martina Curtin presented on her research "Training parents in smiLE Therapy: What impact does it have on deaf children's abilities in maintaining and generalising their skills?" 25.09.19
Deaf Children Now Conference, Manchester University: Training parents in smiLE Therapy: Generalising deaf children’s social communication skills, Martina Curtin & Karin Schamroth. 24.06.19.
South East of England Clinical Excellence Network, at City, University of London, Martina Curtin presented the results of her research. Training parents in smiLE Therapy: What impact does it have on deaf children's abilities in maintaining and generalising their skills? May, 2019.
Social Thinking Conference, London. Role Playing in context and practise: Joanna Hoskins and Karin Schamroth. Role play as a powerful tool in language interventions, using smiLE Therapy as an example. 7.11.18
Curtin M, Training Parents in smiLE Therapy: What impact does it have on deaf children’s abilities in maintaining and generalising their skills? City University: Nov 2018. MRes Research, CIty University, in publication. Presented at RCSLT Conference 2019
Starczewski, H & Mitchell, C 'A day in the life of a teenager at the Royal School for the Deaf Derby' Illustrating how the school’s communication policy works in practice in the Secondary School Department throughout the day through the eyes of a pupil. Includes a smiLE Therapy group developing communication skills for ordering a drink in a cafe independently with confidence. BATOD, January 2018
Medone, G. (2015) ‘Assessing smiLE Therapy’s relevance to young people with autism, according to their teachers’ and parents’ views on pre- and post-therapy interventions ’. Unpublished MEd Autism, School of Education, University of Birmingham, UK
Schamroth, K. with Lawlor, E. (October 2015) ‘smiLE Therapy Strategies and Measurable Interaction in Live English: Functional Communication and Social Skills for deaf students and students with special needs’. Speechmark-Routledge Publishing.
Alton, S. Herman, R. Pring, T. (2011) ‘Developing communication skills in deaf primary school pupils: Introducing and evaluating the smiLE approach’ in Child Language Teaching and Therapy October 2011 27: 255-267
Lawlor, E (2009). Investigating the effectiveness of teaching conversational skills to deaf children and their ability to generalize these skills. A quantitative study looking at the effectiveness of a functional therapy approach used by Speech and Language Therapists with Deaf children and the ability of Deaf Children to generalise skills from a trained to an untrained task. Unpublished MSc Reasearch Project, City University: London.
Schamroth, K. & Threadgill, L. – Using a ‘Live English’ Curriculum. RSCLT Bulletin: Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, February 2007, pp.12-13.
NEXT DATES in 2025
smiLE Therapy
Online Training 2025
Day1 March 6th & 7th 2025 (mornings 9-12)
Day2 March 10th&11th 2025(mornings 9-12)
Follow up from October 2024 Day1&2 training:
Day3 MAY 8th & 9th 2025 (mornings 9-12)
smiLE Therapy free 1 hour online
Tasters for 2025
University College London Taster 23.06.25
Taster Tues 20.05.25 @3pm UK time
Northants Sensory Team Taster 23.04.25
Sunderland SEND services Taster 25.03.25
Essex University Taster 25.03.25
Crowdys Hill School Taster 18.03.25
Scottish Sensory Centre Taster 27.02.25
Nrthants NHS LD Comm.Tm Taster 23.01.25
Taster Wed 22.01.25 @3pm UK time
Ormiston Queensmill Acdmy Taster 17.01.25
smiLE Therapy free 1 hour online
Tasters for Autumn 2024
Sirona Care Health, Bristol. 27.11.24
Riverside Bridge Special School 05.11.24
UEA students 17.10.24
NELFT NHS Havering 24.09.24
Taster Thursday19.09. 24 @3pm UK time​​
Email us: info@smiletherapytraining.com
to book training, arrange bespoke training at your workplace or to arrange a FREE Taster for your CEN / University / Education Authority / NHS Trust / School